This is the sumaysuma's proposal for the VIII international furniture design contest Gandia Blasco 2013. This year the main goal was design an interesting and innovative extensible exterior table.
The table has been projected in aluminum profiles (but it is also available in wood) achieving the challenge through the maximum simplicity, .
The leitmotiv is the continuous repetition of two elements working together. There is a sequence of two bended profiles: the structure profiles, larger and unmovable, and movable profiles, smaller and with the capacity to reach the extensible table goal.
The profiles create a rhythmical sequence through situating each of them in an alternative position. That means that it creates a texture in the sides, and only with a minimum gesture. Furthermore, it is also the opportunity to create and to materialize the lock system required for ensure the stability at the open position.
The first prize was for the Japanese designer Naoya Misawa. The proposal is based also on the simplicity of a gesture. Well done Naoya!